We manage tera bytes of content, we run machine learning algorithms that require up-to-date feature data of all user events to optimize the user experience and so on… Luckily, we have the latest tech to match the challenge, we employ Cassandra, ScyllaDB, Aerospike, Couchbase, Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL, CockroachDB and others with overall 1600 database instances and 99.9999% uptime. If you think this is cool, you are reading the right job description. We are looking for passionate engineers who are excited by solving problems in scale, understanding the technology down to bit and know how to automate the operation for 1000s of servers at the same time. Working in our scale, everything is important – understanding the OS and disk controller, understanding the different runtime implications of JVM and knowing all the bells and whistles that each DB engine has to offer.
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